Golf Course Grass
Our golf course construction, renovation and alteration packages are designed to suit your individual club’s requirements. All work is carefully carried out using the most up to date specialist machinery to ensure minimal damage to the surface and minimal disruption for your members.
With our sister companies Allstone Glasgow and Scottish Plant and Operators in the group we are a “one stop shop” who can provide the full package from a road brush to recycling the waste material in house ensuring an efficient and cost effective process from start to finish.
We have heavily invested in the most up to date machinery and we are currently Scotland’s only licensed contractor for ECO Bunkers.
The services we offer are:
- Design and build packages for greens-tees (USGA specification and traditional push-up)
- Laser levelling
- Bunker construction, renovation and remodelling
- ECO Bunkers
- All aspects of drainage work
- Service roads and buggy paths
- Shock waving
- Verti-draining
- Top dressing
- Over seeding
Our management team is supported by highly skilled operators, site managers and shapers who work closely with your course managers and head greenkeepers to achieve outstanding results- our aim is to have returning clients year after year and will work hard to achieve the best results possible in every job we do.
ECO Bunker – “Build it Once”
We are Scotland’s only licensed contractor for ECOBunker.
EcoBunker is a strong and efficient method of constructing stacked sod walls using synthetic grass tiles. This method was invented and developed exclusively by Richard Allen and is available only from EcoBunker Ltd and its licensed partners. EcoBunker is a permanent, labour-saving alternative to the traditional revetted bunker face.